The Asian Barometer 2024: Swedes views and opinions about China, India and Japan
The Asian Barometer 2024 follows up on the first-of-its-kind survey from 2022 regarding Swedish public opinion about China, India and Japan.
In 2022, we found that views were positive about Japan, fairly negative about China and mixed regarding India. Since we published the 2022 barometer major changes have taken place globally with the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the continued rise of China as a major economic and political power. In this webinar we present the results of the second survey and discuss changes in relation to 2022 and what they mean for Sweden’s relations with Asia.
The survey builds on responses from a representative sample of Swedish society and has been co-developed by the Asia Programme and the Swedish National China Centre (NKK) at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI), and the European Institute of Japanese Studies (EIJS) at the Stockholm School of Economics, in collaboration with the SOM Institute at the University of Gothenburg.
Dr Nicholas Olczak , Associate Research Fellow, UI
Dr Jesper Edman, Associate Professor at Waseda University Tokyo and associate research fellow at EIJS, Stockholm
Moderator: Dr Åsa Malmström Rognes, Asia Programme, UI