Perspectives on the Future of the EU

Perspectives on the Future of the EU

What are the prospects for legitimacy and democracy in the EU? What is the status of common values inside the Union and how does that affect the EU’s global role?

The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS) have published a joint anthology to stimulate further discussion about the future of European integration.

In this volume, five leading European scholars go beyond policy issues to focus on the future of the EU as a political system. At the heart of their contributions are the prospects for legitimacy and democracy in the union:

Christopher J. Bickerton sees the main challenge in balancing European integration and national democracy,  while Ulrike Guérot envisions a legitimacy where one person equals one vote for the whole of the union. Ivan Krastev sees the main challenge in the East no longer wanting to imitate the West and warns against fatalism, whereas Almut Möller finds an opportunity for diplomatic relationships across EU capitals, especially where there is conflict. If differentiated integration might hold the key to the future is finally discussed by Frank Schimmelfennig.

With these different and sometimes opposing perspectives, the aim is to shed light on where the European Union might – or should – be heading.

The authors originally presented their contributions in the winter of 2018/2019, in a series of lectures:

30 January 2019
Almut Möller: January Who leads the EU?

10 December 2018
Ivan Krastev: Order in and beyond Europe

30 November 2018
Chris J. Bickerton and Ulrike Guérot:
Democracy and legitimacy in the EU - National or European?

9 November 2018
Frank Schimmelfennig: Is differentiated integration driving the EU apart?


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