Astrid Nordin

Astrid Nordin

Associate Research Fellow

Astrid Nordin researches Chinese politics and international relations, including Chinese foreign policy, Chinese academics’ worldview, China’s Internet, and hard and soft power in and beyond East Asia.

Professor Astrid Nordin holds the Lau Chair of Chinese International Relations at the Lau China Institute, King’s College London. Her research develops critical conceptual tools that draw on Chinese and other global traditions of thought and uses these to understand planetary challenges as they relate to China’s growing global role - from the Belt and Road Initiative, through sustainable connectivity, to practices of censorship and resistance.

Before joining King’s in 2021, Astrid Nordin was Professor of World Politics and Founding Director of Lancaster University China Centre. She has significant experience developing institutional partnerships with Chinese institutions, setting up and leading academic organisations, and collaborating on interdisciplinary projects across humanities and the social and natural sciences. She has studied or worked at Peking University, Jilin University, University of Hong Kong, City University Hong Kong, the University of Warwick, and the University of Manchester.

Areas of expertise: China, East Asia, war, propaganda and censorship, cultural governance, international relations theory.


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